Making sure to complete each page before gluing it down to the chipboard, tear the green strip first and adhere to the white sheet. Attach the black squares and then the sticker. Lastly, put in the brad and then attach to chipboard.
Stipple brush the white pieces before you begin. Use the black as the base, attach the green strips and the "got soccer" pieces. Use 2 stickers on left side and cut one sticker in half on the right side to use as photo corners.
Stipple the white pieces with green ink. Cut the SOCCER sticker in half to fit on the small white piece. (I inked with black around the soccer part) Cut out the arrow. On the right side, place the sticker at the bottom and black stripe on the end. Hole punch three holes after you attach the green to the chipboard. You will need to use the crop-a-dile to easily punch through the chipboard. Tie ribbons.
On the last page, trim the pattern paper and glue down TEAM. Use the last soccer sticker on the black square. Glue ribbon down.
When you have completed all pages, hole punch the first page with 2 holes. Again, you will need the crop-a-dile to cut through the chipboard. Mark each page and then punch the holes. Add the book rings and tie ribbon onto them. You are done:) Hope you enjoy!!
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